“Love and Light Conquer’s all!”

Love and Light Conquer All!

Poem by Jefferson Campbell:

The Title of this Poem is Love and Light 

Conquers all:

Evil and darkness takes the fall:

Love and Light 

Conquers all:

Love is absent darkness prevails and humanity falls:

Love and Light 

Conquers all:

With Gods light and the hearts of the Love ❤️ the soul is in control:

Love and Light 

Conquers all:

With Gods light and spiritual neglect, the soul recedes: 

Love and Light 

Conquers all:

With Gods light and the hearts of the Love ❤️ the soul grows:

Love and Light 

Conquers all:

God’s light and Love of God the soul is in control:

Love and Light 

Conquers all with the power of the soul: 

Peace Shall Heal

Warmest Loving Regards Vital Life Energy Church in Association with Vital Life Energy Formulas


“Love is everything”


“Healing power of poetry”