

As a member you can attend our Zoom meetings open to all family and friends. 

  • Meetings will be on Sunday’s at 4:00pm PST time.

  • links to the live stream will be emailed in a newsletter each week. Please leave your name, email and phone number in the contact section if you would like to become a member of the church. Everyone is welcome.

  • Members can also become a counselor if they choose: 

  • This simple program to become a counselor is open to all Vital Life Church members.

  • Being a counselor can give you the joy of helping people find more peace and balance in their lives with our special program. 

If you are interested in becoming a counselor please email your name address and phone number and we will put you on the list. 

We are a simple religious organization whose goal is to help people find more peace in their lives though our program and the healing touch of nature.