“Time, Space and Beyond”
A Poem by Jefferson Campbell
Title of this poem is:
Time Space and Beyond:
Time Space and Beyond:
What is Time:
What is Space;
What is Beyond:
Time is Space:
Space is Time:
Beyond is Time and Space;
Space is a new Life:
A new Life
is a Circle ⭕️
Time Space and Beyond is new Circle ⭕️ of life:
No end is a
Circle ⭕️
Circle ⭕️ is Life:
A Life is Love ❤️
Love ❤️ is Beyond Time and Space:
Love ❤️ is our Soul:
Our Soul is Beyond Time and Space:
Our Soul is everlasting Circle ⭕️ of Life:
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Contact us for link vitallifeenergy@icloud.com
Warmest Loving Regards Vital Life Church